Harmonised standards for the charging infrastructure of electric vehicles
Dialogue Matters
Following an exchange of knowledge at national and international level, India references the Combined Charging System (CCS) in the new Indian Standard IS 17017 on general requirements for charging systems for electric vehicles. This is an important step towards international alignment of electromobility standards.

“A standard in just one country or in just one car brand is not a real standard. CharIN is therefore actively driving discussions towards a single world standard for the charging of electric vehicles. Thanks to the Global Project Quality Infrastructure (GPQI) and its close interaction with CharIN, we took a major step towards establishing the global charging system CCS in India. GPQI supported the involvement of government bodies and facilitated a close alignment with the industry.”
- Claas Bracklo, Chairman Charging Interface Initiative (CharIN)
Standards are essential to expand e-mobility infrastructure
Electric mobility is viewed globally as a key to ensuring lower emissions. Like many countries, India is working to promote electric mobility in the country. But how can electric cars become more popular without sufficient compatible charging options? If electric mobility is to gain real traction, it is essential to introduce a uniform set of standards for charging systems. This must ensure compatibility, battery safety and security in respect of e-charging payments.
As a first step towards internationally aligned standards in electric mobility, the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) has referenced the widely accepted CCS in the Indian standard IS 17017. CCS is crucial for open and universal charging systems for electric vehicles. It allows efficient charging for any type of electric vehicle, while being safe and easy to use. CCS is already supported by the European Union (EU) and many other countries worldwide. Its adoption lays the foundation for global and domestic investments in charging systems.
In close cooperation with the German Association of the Automotive Industry (Verband der Automobilindustrie - VDA) and the Charging Interface Initiative (CharIN), GPQI has facilitated the referencing of CCS in India. Dissemination of the CCS has served to enhance international business in the electric mobility sector. Referencing is an important step towards internationally aligned standards on charging systems.
Dialogue matters – Promoting electromobility internationally with standards
January 2018
At a workshop in New Delhi, discussions focus on closer cooperation to promote electric mobility. As a result, India and Germany assume leadership of a task force on electric mobility at the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC).
August 2018
After active exchanges at international and national level, India decides to reference CCS in its new Indian Standard IS 17017 on general requirements for charging systems for electric vehicles.
April 2019
During an Indian delegation visit to a demonstration facility of electric vehicle charging stations in Munich, the importance of harmonised standards for electric mobility, such as CCS, is discussed.
July 2019
Standards for charging infrastructure is identified as a priority for India during a delegation visit to India by the BMWi.