GPQI at IAA Mobility 2021

2021-09-10, 11:00–12:30

IAA Mobility Munich, Hall A2, Booth C01 & Online

Get to know the Global Project Quality Infrastructure on 10 September at the IAA MOBILITY 2021 - on site or online.


We will inform you about technical market access in emerging countries. You can also find out how experts from the German Association of the Automotive Industry (VDA) and the VDA QMC CHINA are involved in the GPQI in our partner countries China and Mexico. During the Q&A session that follows, the two high-ranking experts Angela Mans, Head of Foreign Trade, Trade & Customs, VDA and Prof. Tilman Tillmann, General Manager of the VDA QMC China will answer your questions.


You can join the livestream via the following link.


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