GPQI in 2021 at a glance


In this year, the Global Project Quality Infrastructure (GPQI) fully started the cooperation with Indonesia and is now present in five partner countries – Brazil, China, India, Indonesia and Mexico. Find out what GPQI has achieved in 2021 and where it made a difference.


Representatives from the government, industry, academia and QI-institutions in all partner countries and Germany collaborated actively in more than 45 workshops and working group meetings in 2021. Together, they advanced the cooperation’s objective to harmonise quality infrastructures (QI) worldwide.


The workshop series "A systemic approach to QI - Mexico and Germany" started in March. © GIZ-GPQI / Reilly Dow

Workshop series in Mexico: A systemic approach to QI

The QI systems in Germany and Mexico differ in various aspects but also have common features. For the reduction of technical barriers to trade and global value chains, it is crucial that both sides have a common understanding of the role and scope of QI. Therefore, GPQI implemented a series of five workshops to highlight the systemic approach to quality infrastructure. Between March and November 2021, GPQI brought together the relevant actors from the German and Mexican QI sector. Representatives from the Mexican ministry of economy (Secretaría de Economía) and the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Energie – BMWi) shed light on the various QI elements together with experts from QI institutions and companies. The first workshop with over 600 participants provided an overview of the QI systems in both countries. The following four sessions addressed the different elements of QI: market surveillance, conformity assessment and accreditation, technical regulation and standardisation as well as metrology. The five-part workshop series reached a total of more than 1,300 participants from industry and QI institutions in both countries.


Dr Thomas Zielke and Stefan Schnorr (BMWi) with the signed work plan for the German-Indonesian QI dialogue.
Dr Thomas Zielke and Stefan Schnorr (BMWi) with the signed work plan for the German-Indonesian cooperation on QI. © GIZ-GPQI

Start of the German-Indonesian QI dialogue

In April, the German-Indonesian cooperation on quality infrastructure was officially launched at the Hannover Fair by signing a Joint Declaration of Intent between the BMWi and the Indonesian Ministry of Industry (MoI). Both countries have a strong interest in harmonising their QI frameworks internationally in order to reduce technical barriers to trade and enhance product safety. At the first Annual Meeting in August, representatives of BMWi and MoI signed the joint Work Plan for 2021-2022. It includes key topics for both economies ranging from both countries’ standardisation policies and strategies, renewable energy standards, electromobility to Industrie 4.0.


Medical device
The improved regulation for medical devices reflects international best practices. © Fernando Zhiminaicela / Pixabay

Improved regulation for medical devices in Brazil

In Brazil, improved technical requirements for medical electrical equipment came into force in July. Ideally, technical regulations consider the perspectives of both the public and the private sector. Identifying and addressing the different needs of companies can be a challenge for public authorities. Therefore, the Brazilian National Institute of Metrology, Quality and Technology (Inmetro) conducted a public consultation in 2019. It allowed Brazilian companies to bring in their views on conformity assessment requirements for medical devices. The ensuing discussions revealed a need for a new regulation that is aligned with international standards and improves certification processes. GPQI has been supporting the dialogue between Inmetro and the private sector by bringing in experts’ opinions and moderating a continuous exchange with the Ministry of the Economy (Ministério da Economia). As a result of the cooperation, Inmetro incorporated significant improvements into the new ordinance Portaria nº 384/2020, which can improve compliance and reduce costs. Through the continuous discussion that GPQI facilitates, it has been possible to amend some of the requirements of the ordinance. It now reflects international best practices and simplifies the import of new medical devices.


Visualisation of the discussions at the 2nd Indo-German Standardisation Forum.
Visualisation of the discussions at the 2nd Indo-German Standardisation Forum. © GIZ-GPQI / Nitasha Nambiar

Roadmap for the Indo-German cooperation on standardisation

Since standards provide a common language for trade, India and Germany share a strong interest in advancing the international harmonisation of standards. With the 2nd Indo-German Standardisation Forum in September, GPQI provided a platform for exchange between government representatives, standardisation bodies and the industry. Nearly 90 experts discussed key developments in standardisation in India and Germany as well as priorities for cooperation. The wide variety of topics included digital transformation, international harmonisation as well as technology-neutrality of standards, artificial intelligence and Industrie 4.0. The results of the discussions were visually summarised in a roadmap. It outlines the way ahead for the Indo-German standardisation dialogue in the next year.


Maria Albert (DIN) and Christian Marian (DKE) explained the role of standardisation for quality and safety
Maria Albert (DIN) and Christian Marian (DKE) explained the role of standardisation for quality and safety. © GIZ-GPQI / Thomas Ecke

Launch of the publication “United in Quality and Safety”

GPQI’s first global event in October was a success: Over 200 participants followed the launch of the BMWi publication “United in Quality and Safety – An introduction to quality infrastructure in Germany and the European Union for policymakers and trade partners”. The hybrid two-day event included presentations and panel discussions with high-ranking experts from BMWi, the European Commission, QI institutions and the industry. International partners now have access to a comprehensive overview of the QI landscape in Germany and the EU.


You can find the recordings of the event in GPQI’s new YouTube channel. The channel was created in November to establish a platform for various video formats of the project. It increases the visibility of QI topics on social media.


Cover of whitepaper on TSN technology
The whitepaper describes the importance, development and application of TSN technology. © GIZ-GPQI

Whitepaper on time-sensitive networking technology

As a result of the Sino-German collaboration on Industrie 4.0 standardisation, GPQI published the whitepaper “Overview of Communication TSN technology for Smart Manufacturing including relevant standards” in November. It highlights the importance of time-sensitive networking (TSN) technology for the implementation of Industrie 4.0. Besides providing an overview of relevant standards and applications, it offers insights into the future of TSN applications. The whitepaper was jointly developed by German and Chinese standardisation experts in the Technical Expert Group “Network Communication and Edge Computing” of the Sino-German Standardisation Cooperation Commission.


What will come next?

In 2021, GPQI developed a new design and also improved its website. The navigation is now more intuitive, and the website offers a wide range of information on the dialogues with the GPQI partner countries. Please have a look around!


In 2022, GPQI will advance the international harmonisation of QI by continuing and deepening the international dialogues. New workshops and working group meetings are already planned. You will be informed about all upcoming events as well as new publications in our newsletter – simply subscribe here. If you wish to actively participate in the dialogues for innovation and trade, we look forward to your message - contact us!


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