India announces new regulations for chemicals


The Indian Department of Chemicals and Petrochemicals recently announced additional technical regulations in the form of Quality Control Orders (QCOs) for a number of chemical compounds. The new regulations are intended to make the handling of the chemicals safer - for humans and the environment. GPQI supports the German industry in submitting comments on the draft regulations to the relevant Indian regulators.

India announces new QCOs for chemicals. ©Julia Koblitz/Unsplash

Technical regulations in the form of QCOs are increasing in India. They usually make certifications based on specific Indian Standards mandatory for the industry. This is to enhance the safety and quality of the products in the Indian market.


The Indian Department of Chemicals and Petrochemicals published eight draft QCOs for chemical products in mid-November. The industry is granted a 60-day period to comment the draft regulations. The Department of Chemicals and Petrochemicals will subsequently review the comments and publish the final QCOs.


After adoption of the final QCOs, the chemicals will require a mandatory standard mark under the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) certifications schemes based on specific Indian Standards referenced in the regulations (see list below). The new regulations may pose technical market access challenges for the industry. Economic operators can submit comments on the draft regulations until mid-January 2022. For more information, please find the products and the links to the draft QCOs listed below.


List of notified chemicals


Product category Indian Standard Draft QCO
Lauric Acid IS 10931:1984 Link
Acid Oil IS 12029:1986 Link
Palm Fatty Acids IS 12067:1987 Link
Rice Bran Fatty Acids IS 12068:1987 Link
Coconut Fatty Acids IS 12069:1987 Link
Rubberseed Fatty Acids IS 12124:1987 Link
Hydrogenated Rice Bran Fatty Acids IS 12361:1988 Link
1,3 Phenylenediamine IS 17450:2020 Link


Contact us, if you forsee any challenges with the implementation of the QCOs or would like to submit any comments.

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