3 Sino-German Sub-Working Group Industrie 4.0/Intelligence Manufacturing Publications released


The Sino-German cooperation remains productive: Three new reports were jointly elaborated within two technical expert groups of the Sino-German Standardisation Cooperation Commission.

We are pleased to announce the publication of three reports jointly elaborated within two technical expert groups of the Sub-Working Group Industrie 4.0/Intelligent Manufacturing (SWG I4.0/IM) of the Sino-German Standardisation Cooperation Commission (SGSCC).


The technical expert groups “Use Cases” finalised the joint reports Examples for Business Scenarios in Manufacturing Industry and Guidance Use Cases and Applications. They are the result of the cooperation line “Use Cases and Applications” with the objective of analysing business strategies and customer needs in the manufacturing industries by looking at concrete customer projects. The findings are compiled in so-called “use cases”, which are based on well-known best practices. These “use cases” facilitate a common understanding of markets, trends, drivers, concepts and solutions and thereby serve as a basis to determine standardisation needs.


The technical expert group “Network Communications and Edge Computing” released the SME Test Bed Program Proposal report in October 2020, which proposes a dedicated programme to involve SMEs in Smart Manufacturing Test Beds and provides feedback on the usage of smart manufacturing standards.


The SWG I4.0/IM is technically led by the Standardization Council Industrie 4.0 (SCI 4.0) and its Chinese partner National Intelligent Manufacturing Standardization Administration Group (IMSG). The cooperation is politically steered by the Chinese Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT), the Standardization Administration of China (SAC) and the German Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi).


The expert groups seek to deepen and intensify the Sino-German cooperation in the realm of standardization.


You can access all these publications here.

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