Preparatory Meeting of the 5th Annual Meeting of the German-Brazilian Working Group Quality Infrastructure


Online, 10-12 am (UTC-3, Brasília) / 2-4 pm (UTC+1, Berlin)

On December 7, German stakeholders and QI institutions will be gathering to discuss next year’s priorities of the German-Brazilian Dialogue on Quality Infrastructure. The preparatory meeting will take place virtually from 10 - 12 am (UTC-3, Brasília ) | 2 - 4 pm (UTC+1, Berlin). Simultaneous translation between German and Portuguese will be provided.


German companies and QI institutions are cordially invited to present and reflect on existing challenges and concrete goals for technical and political dialogues in 2023. The discussion will serve as a basis for the 2023 Work Plan of the Germany-Brazil Quality Infrastructure Working Group, which will be signed during the Annual Meeting on 12 March 2023, back-to-back to the German-Brazilian Business Days.


As only pre-registered and admitted participants will be able to participate in the exchange, please make sure to register via this page by 30 November. All admitted participants will receive the dial-in information shortly prior to the event.


To register your topic proposals, you may either leave your suggestions on the blank field below or contact us at


For registration to this event, please enter your details in the following form and then click on "Register". The answering of the questions in the lower part of the registration is optional.


Para se inscrever neste evento, insira seus dados no formulário a seguir e clique em "Inscrever-se". Responder às questões da parte inferior da inscrição é opcional. 


Please note: By registering, you agree to the electronic processing and storage of your data. Your data will only be used strictly for the purpose of processing your registration. You can find out more about this in our data protection declaration.


Observação: ao se registrar, você concorda com o processamento e armazenamento eletrônico de seus dados. Seus dados serão usados ​​estritamente para fins de processamento de seu registro. Você pode descobrir mais sobre isso em nossa declaração de proteção de dados.



When answering to the following questions, please note that personal identifiable information that is not required for your response must not be disclosed. Please see also our data protection declaration. The data will be used exclusively for the purposes described in the statement. Any other use will always be subject to further consent. Your data will not be used for advertising purposes. The data will be stored for the term of the Global Project Quality Infrastructure.


Ao responder às perguntas a seguir, observe que as informações de identificação pessoal que não são exigidas para sua resposta não devem ser divulgadas. Consulte também nossa declaração de proteção de dados. Os dados serão utilizados exclusivamente para os fins descritos no comunicado. Qualquer outro uso estará sempre sujeito a consentimento posterior. Seus dados não serão usados ​​para fins publicitários. Os dados serão armazenados pelo prazo da Infraestrutura de Qualidade do Projeto Global.


1. In which area of QI does your company face further barriers in Brazil?

Em qual área da Infraestrutura da Qualidade sua companhia enfrenta mais barreiras no Brasil?


2. In which sector does your company operate / which topic would you be interested in?

Em qual setor sua companhia / quais tópicos você se interessa?


3. Would you like to suggest any additional topic that your company is currently working on in Brazil which could be addressed under the scope of GPQI?

Você gostaria de sugerir algum tópico adicional que sua empresa tem enfrentado recentemente no Brasil que poderia ser abordado no escopo do Projeto Global Infraestrutura da Qualidade?

